6 February 2014

Hitting Gold in Season 4

Hey Summoners! As you know from my previous post that I ended up in Silver division. I finally came out of the Bronze division on the exciting last day of Season 3. Since the last season's ending, a lot has happened already. After some time in pre-season and with tons of changes, Season 4 has arrived in League of Legends. Some of the biggest changes are nerfs and buffs to champions, item changes and new items especially Gold income and Jungle items and introduction of new vision control items named Trinklets.

For this Season, I have already played my 10 provisional games and winning 6 out of 10 games I am still in Silver division. Lot of people are complaining that in spite the fact they performed outstanding in the provisional ranked games, they remain as low as Bronze 5. What I have noticed is that people are retaining their original divisions or a slight change as in the pre-season. Well, that's actually fine for me as I feared to drop to Bronze division and I would have hated the time which I would then spent pulling myself back into the Silver division.

As I was so worried about about dropping from Silver division, I played 8 out of 10 matches with Morgana winning 5 of them. I played her as AP Carry 5 times and Support 3 times. Here's the screenshot after the 10th provisional ranked game. It's almost the replication of the last match from Season 3 where I pushed my limits as a support and turned the game in my team's favor. That match is still my favorite LOL match so far. 

Getting Silver Division in Season 4
Getting Silver Division in Season 4

Looking forward at Season 4, I am yet to play any ranked games after the provisional ones but I'll play them only at times when I am sure to give my best performance. I'll try to win every game that comes next in this season.

As for the selection of Champions, I'll continue to stick with my favorite ones. It's better to be a pro of some then to be a noob at all. So, that means a lot of AP Carry and Support Morgana. As long as no one bans and picks her, I'll continue to own mid and bot lane. Apart from her, the most I will be playing is Teemo as a Top laner. With Oracle's Elixir removed in the new season, I can own top or just any lane with Teemo. I love the recommended build currently suggested in Summoner's rift and will just stick with it. Some other favorite champions in my list for playing ranked will be Diana, Fiddlesticks and Gragas in middle lane. For jungling, I'll pick Fiddlesticks, Diana, Vi and Xin Zhao. I sometimes go with Garen in the top lane. Evelynn would have definitely made to the top of list but the recent nerfs (thanks to riot) have hurt her so badly that I may not be playing her anymore. Some champs I would definitely be trying will be AP Carry LeBlanc, Top Lane Shyvana and Support Nami.

For now, I am aiming for Gold division. I'll slowly keep moving towards it as I did for Silver division in the last season. Hope I reach my target early, so I can focus even higher divisions.

To all the Summoners out there, I appeal you to play the game in a friendly manner and to never harass any player no matter what happens. Always remember "Teamwork OP".

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