3 January 2013

Morgana - Binding You With Dark Energy

Morgana Best Match in League of Legends

I leveled up to Level 30 today and here's my first match at level 30. It was really awesome. I got 10 kills but no deaths and did a great assist to my team. Alright, Morgana is my new favorite and i play her almost all the time. At least until I get AD and Defensive runes for AD Carry and Tank champions. My former favorites were Alistar, Volibear, Twisted Fate and Teemo. From these, I only play Teemo now and hardly use the others.

For the same reason of missing runes. I can't risk playing ranked games until i have complete set of runes for all kinds of champions.

About Morgana, she's great from the day i first played her. I tried many champions that day including Gragas, Yorick and Viktor. But Morgana was the most awesome. Morgana's passive grants her 10% spell vamp (scales as she levels up) which means she gets 10% health of the damage she deals with her abilities. The first ability Dark Binding is my favorite and the most annoying for the enemies especially non-ranged. They can't escape from it for 2 seconds and are sure dead if i have more of my Team's champions nearby. Next ability, Tormented soil is great for farming. Also, whenever i hit an enemy with the dark binding the next thing i do is put Tormented soil under them. It makes them reduce magic resistance continuously. Morgana's all abilities are super useful for Morgana and the team. Third ability, Black Shield can be used for Morgana or an allied champion. This shield absorbs the magic damage but most of all it prevents disables which generally land a kill on a champion. Morgana's ultimate is a great dose for the team to kill the enemy team champions. It first does magic damage to any number of champions near to Morgana. Then it reduces their movement speed. And does magic damage again and stuns them after some time. 

Killing with Morgana:
Morgana is best fit to mid lane. In early game, i have first and second ability. I use dark binding to trap the enemy champion and then use Tormented soil which does continuous damage to the enemy. By now, the enemy has less than 50 or 25% of their health. I continue attacking. Enemy runs towards their turret. I flash if i have to and use ignite. I generally score the First Blood for my team. In mid game, i combine Dark Binding with Tormented soil and then Soul shackles. After the enemy is stunned by Soul shackles, i bind them again and land a kill. In mid and late game, it is difficult to kill with Morgana. So, i score kills in early game and then support my team in the rest of the game with stuns and bindings.

Runes for Morgana:
Their is no perfect set of runes. You have to choose based on your playing strategy. But still, here is my Combination-

  • Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
  • Greater Seal of Armor
  • Greater Glyph of Magic Resist
  • Greater Quintessence of Ability Power

Masteries for Morgana:
Just choose the ones that are related to Mana and Ability Power. I end up with this combination.

Thanks for reading. Hope it does some help.
Khalsa13 (Garena)

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